
It sure doesn't look like it

Rune I


5 Years
10-24-2014, 12:11 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Rune might not have displayed much as far as what he was thinking, but the answer Colman gave was encouraging. Secretua needed individuals who were going to want to become part of his family, blood relation aside, in order for them to function at the level he wished them to. They needed to support one another, count on one another, and not shy away from the cohesion that he was trying to establish. For Colman to see the offer of belonging in this manner, of having a place with a purpose, as being a blessing, the grey Guardian was feeling more confident and comfortable with the thought of extending an invitation.

To his surprise, rather than waiting on the offer to become fully realized and voiced by him, the blue-eyed stranger immediately placed his fate at Rune's paws. The stern leader regarded the male carefully for a moment, deliberating as he often did when trying to gauge the trustworthiness and dedication of those he was considering of inviting into his home. There were precious lives there within the Gulley of Secretua that he wished to protect, lives that he had promised to guard and guide, and it would have been against his conduct to allow some unsavory sort to slip past his inspection.

But Colman did not portray himself as any sort of threat. If anything, he was simply another lost soul looking for a direction in which to wander. How funny that this was the same sort of description Rune would have used to describe his family when they had first started out away from Covari and into the formation of Secretua. "I'll be holding you to your word," Rune warned by way of acknowledging and accepting Colman's offer of fealty. "Consider yourself part of Secretua. A Hunter, since you say that's your strong point. We could use a few more anyway."

It was awkward to conduct business before someone else, but rather than make things more awkward than need be Rune cast only a fleeting glance at the russet-faced wolf who observed before turning away from the small gathering to lead his newest pack member home.

-Exit Rune-