
Where does the time go



4 Years
10-24-2014, 02:28 AM

Shortly and simply her mother would assign the three pups their task, to scent and find their prey. Varda would briefly remember the times when Novella would bring them their food when they were newborns. But now to slowly build up their skills and abilities, they would have to look for their prey. Cousin F?licien would give them all assuring and helpful words but the girl was more than confident to do this. Aslan would ask where they should start looking, expecting a clue or hint from the older wolves. But that would give their prey away, wouldn't it? That would make it too easy...and in order for them to learn, it had to be challenging.

"You can tell Aslan where to start looking, I'm going to go ahead and start searching." She informed her mother and cousin with a proud look before slowly heading off through the grass. Of course the food would be hidden, so her eyes wouldn't deliver as much help as she needed. She began with a deep breath, trying to distinguish each scent. She could smell grass, berries and the faint scents of her family but no prey. She knew what smell she was looking for but perhaps she had to look around and hope she was close by. Another deep breath, no luck. Maybe she was too close to the falls. Advancing back the way she came, she took in another breath, losing her reassurance that she would find something. Suddenly it hit her, the faintest of all faint scents. Rabbit! Worried that she might lose the scent, she tried to find where it might be coming from. What direction was the smell coming from? She was so close! The determined girl couldn't give up now.
