
Athena x Vereux Armada



6 Years
10-24-2014, 12:57 PM
Design #1... Male

Name: Caius Armada

Appearance: Caius will reach thirty-six inches in height upon reaching adulthood and weigh in at one-hundred eighty-five pounds, slightly on the chunky side although that could change should he decide to do more running around. The majority of his thick pelt is made up of a silver hue. The insides of each of his ears, down the nape of his neck and at the top back portion of his head is where white takes over. His tail too, half way down and at the tip is of that same white coloration. However his lower thorax, underbelly and legs are of a dark slate gray color. Still there is black upon him, his outer ears and just below his vibrant green eyes there exists that darkest of all colors. The oddest part of him however may be that he has six toes instead of the usual five on his front paws (the effects of inbreeding).

Personality: As a pup, Caius is an outgoing youth who enjoys climbing on and over his siblings and parents as well. He has an obsession with chewing on other ears. He's also quite vocal whatever mood he is in. Temper tantrums would therefore be phenomenal as he digs the ground and tosses sticks and stones around. Without a better handle on his temperament he may well lash out and bite as hard as he can anyone who gets to close to him during one of his worse moods. But never let it be said that he doesn't feel remorse, because he does and therefore might at times become depressed after realizing what he's done during one of his outbursts. Which may well make it difficult for him to make, or at least keep any new friends. But Caius does know how and when to apologize, although sometimes he might leave it just a little too late depending on the other party and just how long it takes Caius to calm down.

As an adult, Caius will have matured. He will cease to be quite as outgoing and prefer meditation over play time. As time passes he'll be better able to maintain a neutral stance and expression as if he were a wise sage speaking only when he had something to actually say. But bottling up everything could lead to a potential disaster worse than any outburst he ever had as a playful, demanding and vocal youth. In any case he will try his best to not take sides and instead do what is best for himself. It isn't out of vanity or egotism, but out of self-preservation so that he doesn't hurt himself by hurting others. That does not however mean that he's incapable of being corrupted, but he will try his utmost best to be a son that his parents could be proud of. Thus as an adult he may find it hard to deal with others or make friends for different reasons than when he was but a pup full of spunk.