



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-24-2014, 05:48 PM
I'm in the process of writing up the framework of Valentine's pack, should he get it. I figured it would be a good idea to fill you guys in on what I'm considering for it, in case you're curious or maybe even interested. As far as alignments go, I'm thinking it will fall somewhere along the Chaotic Neutral/Lawful Evil side of things since Valen himself is a Chaotic Neutral. He doesn't pull strongly to either the dark or the light so any alignment could live under his rule as long as the evils could handle his benevolence and the goodies could stomach the power of his wrath.

Anyway, below is a garbage dump of ideas with the occasional personal thought/comment in parenthesis. Feel free to comment, ask questions or add suggestions. By no means is what's written below meant to be the official pack info, so don't take any of it too seriously. While the general idea is serious, the tone isn't. It'll all be made fancy shmancy and offical-like later.

At the very bottom of the post is an idea I've been tossing around. I really, really want opinions on it. If you have the time, please, pleaaaase, give me feedback.

Rule/Guideliney Thingamabobs: (official name for this thing? Maaaybe)
* Respect is key; the use of it could begin your ascension, but the lack of it will most certainly be your downfall.

* Unity among members is a must; don't let emotional wounds fester. Have it out, air your grievances, do something, anything to fix the situation. If the feud continues and the Imperator (that be the alpha, yo) is forced to intervene there will be consequences.

* Trespassers are to be treated with the utmost care; invite them in, offer them warm drinks and a meal...and then maul the hell out of them until a Tier (2? 3?) or higher shows up because that kind of stupidity should be punished with enslavement. Tier (2? 3?) and up members and warriors: the maiming and force claiming of trespassers will earn you hella brownie points.

* Crimes against children will be punished in the most imaginative way possible.


Tier ONE: (three)
Imperator ? Primary
Consul ? Secondary
Inheritor ? Heir

Tier TWO: (three)
Praetor ? Head Warrior
Palatine ? Head Healer
Praedator ? Head Hunter

Legatus (possibly Gladiator/Gladiatrix) ? Warrior
Medice ? Healer
Venator/Venatrix ? Hunter
(Possibly add)

Tier FOUR:
Tribune ? Warrior in training
Discipulus- Healer in training
Venaticus ? Hunter in training
(possibly add)

Tier FIVE:
Libertus/Liberta ? Freed slaves who have yet to excel in a particular field, also new members who haven't been ranked.

Tier Six:
Servus ? Slave

***WIP IDEA*** I'm not particularly fond of OOC rules, however, I think some kind of competence evaluating system would be a good idea for advancement in a pack. Anyway, here is my idea: Members must prove IC that they are capable of holding a position of merit. Tier 5 and 4 members need one IC event showcasing their abilities in order to advance in rank. Tier 3 members need three. Tier 6 members need four IC events to work their way out of the Servus rank. From there they climb the ladder like everyone else. Things that count as "events" are situations that pertain the the skill they're mastering. Healers need healery things (such as treating wounds, gathering herbs, drugging a trespasser (not quite a "healer" then, are we? I'm making a rank just for you >:3)), warriors need fights, spars, force claims, hunters need to participate in hunts, stalking, border patrol and the like (be creative). For Tier 4 members, a mentoring thread counts as an event. For Servus, ANY kind of event counts. Note, it doesn't count if it's strictly between your own characters. Someone else has to be involved.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.