
[P]erhaps now we are free



4 Years
10-24-2014, 08:06 PM
She sighs as if all the weight she has carried up to this day is lifted for just a brief second, carnation colored eyes slowly slip away behind heavy eyelids. Relaxation was a luxury they could never enjoy without a fight. Her ears were the only big of her that didn't seem to melt into the pool of water, still flicking to and fro to pick of her brother's words and any sounds of the world around them. Breaks couldn't be taken, she couldn't afford to relax so fully. She hummed just lightly when she heard him, tilting her head just slightly. "You better not be lying to me, Addy." She said with a smirk, one eye opening just enough to glance at her brother. "Infection is easier to prevent than to fight." It was a reminder, but she hoped her brother wouldn't keep such things from her.

With a gentle sigh she pulled herself to her paws and shook the water droplets from her fur. "So, what do you make of this place?" Carnation eyes slid away from him, glancing around them at the darkness. Due to their condition she had avoided strangers during their jounrney, and so had missed the rumors and the tales of this place. They were going in blind, something that Ellasyn liked to do about as much as losing a tail. "Perhaps I should see if I could find a native to this land, find out what I can so we aren't quite so...blind." She said, glancing towards the way they came, stepping out of the waters to sit at the edge once more. "Knowing you, you'd scare them off before we get any information." It was teasing, but partially truthful. Not that it mattered to her, it was her brother and she loved him dearly, even if no one else could see the shining beneath the snarl. "Yes, I think that's swell. You stay here and heal, perhaps find us a meal or two, and I'll go out and find us some information."

"Burn Baby Burn"