
Field trip [Noel]



4 Years
10-24-2014, 08:33 PM
She had made a plan, even if her brother wouldn't be all for it. They had to find out more about this place if they were to survive. Find out what kind of wolves inhabited this place, what the packs were like, and whether or not they would be welcomed here. They were wolves of war, aged beyond their young lives by things they've seen, things they've done. They couldn't relax, couldn't sit still. As warriors they had to fight, even if their war was over. The life that they had known had crumbled around them, and had left the pair fleeing for their lives with nothing but war scars and pain. Her brother would go restless if they didn't have anything to do, any use. She had to figure out their course of action, the best place for them. So she had left her brother at the shrine and the spring, left so he could find them food while she did what she did best.

With a sigh she pulled in the salty ocean air, eyes falling closed as she let the coastal winds comb her grey fur. Where should she look first? Caution was still a must, and she knew she shouldn't fight in her condition. Maybe she should pretend her injuries were worse than they were, find a packland and seek assistance. But, that could easily lead to her being captured, and her brother would not be pleased. No, she had to stay away from the packlands for now, untill she learned the system more. Shaking her head she sat down where she stood and took in the ocean infront of her, trying to figure out what step to take next.

(Just forewarning, her brother (adair) may show up too <3 )

"Burn Baby Burn"