
A little too far from home [Valentine]



4 Years
10-24-2014, 11:03 PM
The soreness along her shoulders still ached, and yet she continued on. Each step pulled at her wounds, but she had a mission to accomplish. Once Ellasyn got something in her head, it was very hard to shake her from it. Plans were usually set in stone for the young warrior, and she barely ever deviated away from them. For now, the most important thing for her and her brother's survival was information. Learning and understanding this land, their rules, and how she and her brother may find their place in it. She wouldn't deviate too far from the protection of the shrine and their avaliable water source, wouldn't put too much space between her and her brother so her scent trail would remain fresh. They had to be able to find each other at any time. Together, they were one solid entity, they were the chips in the other's armor. But she had to find information, and Ellasyn was much more comfortable with giving a smile or promising aid in exchange for knowledge. Adair, well...if she hadn't seen it personally, even she would think the boy couldn't smile.

Today, she ventured off in the other direction than she had the other day. Instead of to the ocean, she found herself among a grove of trees. The too-sweet scent of the orchard fruit assaulted her nose. Her eyes scrunched up at the scent, shaking her head to try and clear her senses of the scent. In the fall some of the fruit had fallen, and were rotting upon the ground. It was gross, but perhaps there was something edible here. With a sigh, she turned towards the trees, trying to find a low hanging branch to pull some fruit off of. There was no way she would pick through the fallen ones on the ground, not in a million years. Despite her scars, Ellasyn was still a lady.

"Burn Baby Burn"

(Note: Ella's brother (adair) may appear in this thread also, just a warning <3)