
talk to me honey, if you think it's funny


05-19-2013, 09:45 PM

Not a simper lingered on the man's lips. He'd just gone through the most difficult situation he'd ever faced in his years of life. Being a King was rough, but being an ex-lover was ten times more difficult. Especially when your previous love could not remember anything and spent her time trying to seduce you. Gerhardt had resisted, but not as firmly as he probably should have. He had a feeling she'd be back. Her heat was this season and would last for a long time, without her memory - it was unlikely for her to go after any other male but him. Gerhardt heaved a sigh, his head and tail hanging far lower than a King's should. He was extremely discouraged and distraught. His tail did not swing behind him as it usually did. He knew just where he would go - to the lake. Gerhardt took an extremely slow pace, meandering through the territory. He'd been on the complete opposite side, so it would take some time. However, Gerhardt had a feeling that time was exactly what he needed.

Amethyst eyes would lack their luster as he reached the shore of the lake, slipping into the watery depths without much care to the weeds and plants that clung to his fur. They would wash away anyway. At this point in time, it was probably best if he didn't look good. Gerhardt kept his head above water, sinking in neck-deep. The lake was incredibly cool at this time of year, and chilled him to the bone almost instantly. It was a good kind of chill, though, and he welcomed the numbing feeling it gave him. If only it could numb his heart too. The King snorted for a moment as a bit of water flowed into his nostrils, threatening to drown him. He expelled the rogue droplets quickly and continued to paddle - staying in the same place only a few yards off shore.
