
A little too far from home [Valentine]



4 Years
10-25-2014, 12:05 AM
Perhaps her hunger was getting the best of her, perhaps she an invested far too much of her attention into that shiny red apple. When she heard his steps she turned far too swiftly for her aching limbs to handle, her carnation eyes snapping to the capable male. Her body moved without thought, her head swinging low and her shoulders pushing up to protect her neck. Yet she didn't say a word, didn't roll her lips as she stared unblinkingly at the male. He moved uncharacteristically for someone wishing her harm, as if he hadn't even noticed she was there. Yet she knew it wasn't true, so she remained in her stance, her toes digging into the soft ground of the orchard.

Yet, it didn't play out quite like she expected it too. He moved right passed her and reached for one of the delicious apples that she had been so distracted with. She lifted her head just enough to watch him, her ears lifting just a little from her skull. When he dropped the apple and turned to her she took a step back, blinking quickly over wide eyes. "Oh, thank you." She said so softly, carefully lowering her head enough to nudge the apple towards her, shifting it with a paw before she lifted her head again. "I couldn't reach it.." She trailed off with a small laugh, shifting a little to relieve the tension along her sore shoulders. Carnation eyes continued to regard him, shift over his unique markings, over his strong form. He could easily be someone important, someone who knew things about this place. "Do you know of this place, sir?" She asked softly, tilting her head just so and shifting the apple with her paw.

"Burn Baby Burn"