
Npongbe fun awọn ọjọ



2 Years
10-25-2014, 02:24 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2014, 02:24 AM by Aláwo.)

Sọtọ. Isolated. It was certainly a word that Al?wo felt she knew all about these days. Though she was now surrounded by more wolves than she ever had been previously in her life, she still felt far more alone than she ever had before. Many had been wary of her, the daughter of traitors what was to say she wouldn?t suddenly take the same path, never had she held loyalty to them and though she wouldn?t voice such things allowed, she wasn?t entirely sure that she ever would.

Now she was left to her own devices often. Either they no longer feared she would disobey they laws and seek our her father, a traitor or they simply had too much to worry about with the threat of the Northern wolves and no longer could devote a care in her direction. Some would give try and give her time still, out of sympathy or caution she suspected for she never did sense that close kinship that they all had with one and other. The title of traitor may not have been assigned to her nor the punishments to accompany it, though more often than not she felt as though they viewed her that way anyway.

She truly was alone at this moment in time, had found herself a quite place to rest away from the others of the tribe. Al?wo had realised it wouldn?t be too difficult for her to slink off to the life of that she had once had, to find her father once more. Together they could find somewhere safe and at least be together, mourn their losses and plan a life of sorts. She wouldn?t leave though, not for the Tahtla but for him. He had sacrificed his own happiness and health to get her here, it was clear to even the yearling that for whatever reason he had felt it right for her to be here. She wouldn?t question his wishes, she would simply obey them and hope in time the mysteries of it all would be revealled to her.