
Somethings got a hold on me



2 Years
10-25-2014, 09:38 AM

Drashiel moved in elegant strides as he went about clearing the land of any usable food stores and herbs that could be moved to their new location in the Marble Wash. He also kept an eye out for any stragglers from the old Ethreal pack that might be recruited to Fehu. As he set a course for home with a mouthful of herbs a howl rang out. Ears perked as he recognized the call. Athena? One ear flicked back, she had likely heard is claiming and come to investigate but he wasn't quite sure how to feel about her. They'd left on less than happy terms and he feared she saw him as a betrayer but Drashiel wanted nothing more than to bridge the gap between them. As a new alpha the thought of trusted alliances was ever in the front of his mind and he also desired reconciliation between the members of his family he respected. Athena was definitely worthy of respect.

Gently setting down the herbs Drashiel set out to meet his sister. Worry and uncertainty fell quickly into place behind a mask of strength and elegance. He was a leader now and calm confidence was necessary. However, as she came into view his eyes widened slightly as he realized that Athena was pregnant! Drashiel offered a soft smile but hesitated to nuzzle her in greeting til he knew where they stood. "Athena! It is a pleasure to see you?" the smile fell. "I hope we can come to terms. I know father's move to create Indarra caused some tension between us. Know that it was always my goal to have a pack of my own and I did not mean to cause you grief."
