
A little bonding never hurt anyone


10-25-2014, 01:35 PM

Hera hummed quietly to herself as she hopped around the area around the den, batting around a small rock the had found between her forepaws like a soccer ball. It was just the latest of the little games she made her herself to stay entertained in this otherwise boring place. Hercules and Aura would play with her sometimes, but there wasn't anyone that could keep up with her boundless energy.

She kicked her little rock and it rolled away from her a bit and she went chasing after it till rolled into a larger rock. "Oooooh," she said in awe as she tipped her head all the way back to look up to the top of the rock that was at least as tall as Momma! Her head leaned one way and then the other, looking around the sides of it to see if there was some way to climb up. Her ears flicked back thoughtfully. If only she could fly like a bird! Then she could get up there no problem! She could even fly up to the top of the mountain! She could go anywhere she wanted. Giggling, she turned and ran in circles around the rock, jumping every once in a while to pretend like she was taking off.
