


10-25-2014, 08:06 PM

REDOING THIS THREAD!!! Since basically everyone on the last thread disappeared or left :/ anyways all designs can be used, but if someone else uses the design please do not try out for the same design. i hate when two people apply for the same design and then those two people get chosen for babies and then someones gotta pick a different design. Two people can have twins if both parties agree but thats up to you.

[Image: ae06j7.png]
[Image: ulpqr.jpg]
[Image: 35luoth.png]
[Image: 14v5ue0.png]
[Image: 1znx6pt.png]

Mom: Dione
Dad: Novaro

If at any point these babies fall inactive Luis and I will reserve the right to take them back whether you get a gem refund or not. These pups will be super family oriented, discipline will probably happen often to make sure they are moulded into what Dione believes is perfect. They will be taught to worship her and bring her gifts, they will be cannables. They will be mentally abused!!! Honestly guyz, the shit Di will put these kids through (especially since she don't want them) will be crazy. Prepare to be kicked off a cliff if she gets a chance.

You can choose your characters main personality, but we would like them to be darker but flexible. They don't have to like their family but they have to be loyal. CRAZY IS ALLOWED. Dione is bipolar like crazy, hopping between bubbly and morbid and violent. You can decide how your character handles the abuse as well, they can lash out at others, internalize it, become violent or complete pushovers. Its really up to you. SHE WILL ALSO LOVE THEM! There will be times where she is a real mom. We need people to be flexible with their characters. The only thing is they MUST be loyal. I cannot stress this enough, they may bully each other and fight but they must also be willing to die for one another. (Kinda like 'I can beat you up but no one else can?')

Names will be morbid. Dione doesn't want these kids so she will give them names that are quite unorthodox. Grave, Dead, Rotten, Decay, Anthrax, Rabid... Name them after fatal diseases, after some crazy shit. Doesn't really matter to me. You can make it fancy and throw in some random languages. Dione knows quite a few languages (or how to swear on them). Coat colours are HALF PRICE, marking colours are FULL PRICE, but odd markings or patterns are FULL PRICE. NO BIG BABIES!!! Small to medium height since Dione herself is tiny. There will be 2-3 babies (Dee wants less). we can decide later on <3

Personality: 200 words
Appearance: 100 words
RP Sample: however long you end up going to convey how you will rp this kid :)

POSTING REQUIREMENTS! We're gonna ask people to post these babies twice a week or at least 8 times a month. More will be LOVED but this is a minimum :) Dione or Nova is be in all these kids threads for the first at least 6 months of their lives (untill they are well brainwashed). Be prepared for this.