
going on a bear hunt


10-25-2014, 10:19 PM

He didn't know where he was, but he knew exactly where he was going.

The silver-furred bear of a wolf had been steadily stalking his sister's trail for some time now, trying to catch up with her. They had split up, each searching someplace different for traces of the old Ebony rulers. He'd found nothing, and gone to track her down to see if she'd found anything, but she was as long-legged as he and had a long lead on him so it wasn't easy.

Squinting through the early-morning light, lavender eyes watering, he swept his blurry gaze across the sea of grass, searching for... what? Some sign of his sister, though with his eyesight far weaker than an ordinary wolf he was somewhat at a handicap as far as that was concerned. The trail was hot, though - she must surely be here.

White paws trod further as he considered. He saw no movement out there, he must have missed her but gods! so close to finding her. And he missed her terribly, though to look at the towering beast's grim visage you would hardly expect it. Perhaps he should get her flowers...

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