
Roll Away Your Stone



7 Years
10-25-2014, 11:22 PM

So much had happened, so very much was starting in her life. She had admitted her love to Athena, and they had started to plan a secret wedding for them. And her husband agreed to it, and even did the ceremony! But she was nervous, she knew that her mother had issues with the Armada family. This was different though, she loved her! Surly she would understand about this though, she had been in love with her for a long time now. But her mother... she had yet to see her for a long time. Would that be something that she should lead the conversation with? Probably not, she would like to at least have a pleasant conversation with her. If she could find her, that is. She had no idea where she was, but Leo had said that she had ran into her in the Eastern parts of Alacrita. So she started with that, having told Athena that she needed to find her mother. It had been far too long, she didn't even have a clue that her tail was now a little stub. It had taken a long time for her to get used to it, and she almost felt embarrassed to find her mom in this state.

Amalia hadn't seen Pip for a very long time, not since she had first found her way to her goddess Athena. There was so much that they needed to talk about, and so much that she needed to get back on track with. She had no idea where her family had vanished to, and she wanted to get back into contact with them. She was nothing without her family to support her, and she had missed that contact and comfort for far too long. Taking in a deep breath, the small girl paused at a large mangrove, the chill in the air making her cream and russet fur fluff up. Hopefully her mother was around, she needed to find her. So she tipped back her head and let out a long howl, letting her song reach out across the lands. She called for her mother, praying that she would hear her.