
Strangeness Abound [Open]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-20-2013, 08:53 AM

"Well, you appear to be older than I... and with age, often comes wisdom," she asserted in gentle tones, smiling lightly. It was slightly rewarding to flirt, albeit subtly, with another male. It would brief ease the pain of her broken heart, as she pushed thoughts of Maverick away -- but part of her very much doubted that she would find someone who could replace the piece of her heart that had found room for him. Khumai accurately found one of her flaws; her slight naivety. But this change in position would change her, and she knew it. It was time to focus on reality -- on Valhalla's members, and their survival -- rather than running around trying to spend as much time with Maverick as possible, without seeming as though she was absent from the pack.

To say the least, it had definitely been a reality check for her.

The woman shifted slightly on her haunches, briefly letting her gaze drift from him to examine the lake. "At least I'm fairly certain we would win, in case of an attack," she mused a bit as her eyes trailed over her own reflection, moving on to Khu's, finally finding their way back to his real self. "Our numbers are at least double theirs. I just dread the thought of losing any of my family." Her father was growing old, and she doubted he would see another full year... would he even make it through the winter? She could barely handle the thought of it. "What about you, Khu -- I know you said you've been wandering on your own, but have you ever considered joining a pack?" She inquired lightly, obviously insinuating that she might have a home for him, but not wanting to pressure him as though they were desperate for members. They weren't, but she liked him so far.