



5 Years
10-26-2014, 01:52 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014, 01:28 AM by Frith.)
24" 59lbsName: Ganja - Alignment: chaotic neutral
Appearance: The girl will always be a rather dainty thing, her form small and her stature unimpressive. At her full adult height she will scarcely grow taller than her own mother and weigh less than sixty pounds. Her legs will be spindly and slender and her small frame will be equally as tiny. The fur that covers her will be luxurious long flowing locks holding the most peculiar colors. On her extremities a deep dark midnight black will swathe her limbs, her face, legs, backbone, and tail will hold this darkness as well as an incredible neon green that saturates her dorsal stripe, tail tip, hips, cheeks and will border her black fur. Beyond this, encircled in the bright color, will be a green gradient that adorns her sides with grace. Bright red eyes will be bordered by this bright hue as the color trails her face and ends at her lips.
Personality: Laid-back, responsible, loyal, forgetful, eager to please, hilarious

As a young pup ganja will be rather quiet, often resting within the shadow of a sibling. She'll be slower to act, especially after a nap, which she does a lot. She'd rather sleepy most of the time and will be more passive in her actions. She isn't difficult to push around, but in the end all she wants to do is to please her family. She liked smiles, and calmness. She will sometimes freak out when there is a lot of commotion, she'll feel anxiety rather easily especially when she feels that tensions are high. She prefers to be in small groups or by herself, but when put to the test she'll do her best to come through for those she loves. Sometimes messing up when her memory fails her or she has a panic attack. Ganja doesn't hold much ambition within her, she's one hundred percent content with following the leader, especially when that leader is her own blood. She'll be fiercely loyal to her kin. Of course, during her life she will develop more depending on the treatment of those around her. She will have a tendency to obsess over those tasks assigned to her. She also has a streak of selfishness within her, one that causes her to be extremely possessive and guarding over the people and objects she considers her own. Underneath her easy going exterior is a tiny demon within.

RP Sample: roughly 1.5 yrs old

The green goddess would sit back on her haunches, her eyes completely focused on the tiny plant before her. She found this plant recently and all she could do was fawn over it. It was her namesake, so of course it was special to her. Incredible red eyes would peer at it's tiny purple leaves and would wonder at the beautiful crystals that had started to grow so readily upon those leaves. This plant was hers now, and the rest of the world would have to deal.

Delicate paws would straddle the plant as she lowered her green tufted chest to the floor, her black and bright green tip tail flipping behind her as though she expected trouble. She never knew with her brothers around, they seemed so incredibly talented at ruining everything she loved. She wasn't sure why she put up with them.

The tiny girl would sigh, casting them from her thoughts as she let her wandering focus again fall upon the wonderful little plant she had in front of her.

[Image: aazu3o.jpg]

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