
Let the Reign Begin



10-26-2014, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2014, 03:33 PM by Haruka.)

The howl that called out for Bevroren was not Athena. Right away her hackles rose, and the woman marched right over to the imposter. With teeth flashing she snapped her jaws, short legs cutting through the snow at a quick pace. The fox-coloured woman narrowed her brown eyes at the pale ghost that dared to call the pack together. "Who the hell are you?" She asked with hostility, the usually shy girl offended by this. She didn't even smell like the pack, but the ever so faint touch of Athena rested on her coat. But then, realization struck her. She knew exactly who this was. Roman The wench that caused her brother so much harm, who he had said held false rule and that everyone followed her blindly. Another growl left her lips, ears pinning against her skull. "Roman. What the hell are you doing here? Last I heard you handed over your crown, and now you come to claim Athena's?" Haruka looked around, trying to spot the silver queen. She wouldn't dare follow anyone that wasn't Athena, and there was no reason for her to trust this ex leader of Tortuga. To call a pack meeting? Rude! This was Athena's pack, and no one had the right to claim it. She had followed this woman once, but didn't hesitate to leave. She had given her no reason to trust her at all. The smaller woman had claimed to protect all of Bevroren, but that was under the rule of someone else. If Athena gave up the throne, then she would not hesitate to turn and leave. She felt a pang of hurt in her chest, that her one and only friend bedsides her brother would tell her nothing about this. And she was her personal messenger for gods sake! Still bristling, she refused to settle until some sort of explanation was heard.

ooc: Haruka is butt-hurt, haha! Sorry your first guest isn't nice

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