
Where they meet....



4 Years
10-26-2014, 03:31 PM
She had been enjoying the day beside their little pond, her sore body relaxing in ways she had never relaxed before. But the sound of someone stalking near by instantly destroyed that. Her ears swivelled forward as her eyes remained closed, tracking the sounds in the denseness of the trees. She wasn't used to such thick foliage, so the sound seemed to echo around her to the point where she couldn't place where, exactly, it was coming from. With a sigh, carnation colored eyes slowly opened, half lidden with agitation as she hoisted herself up. Without a word, she left their pond and their safe little hideaway, moving like the wind through the rocks and stones of the shrine, her movements were so silent she gave stealth a run for its money. Her lips pulled up to show just the points of her canines as she peered around a large rock of the shrine. Any threat to her and her brother would be vanquished quite quickly, but what she saw had any anger and agression wiped from her features.

The white wolf sat in the distance, eating her captured meal with delight. This wasn't a threat, this wasn't a wolf seeking their heads. No, infact, she seemed to be in a precarious situation. Was she oblivious to the wolves that hid in the darkness? Did she not know of Ellasyn and Adair living within the shadows of these shrines, or had they hidden their scent just a little too well. Narrowing her eyes just slightly she breathed in the air. Perhaps she was imagining it, but she had scented it before. With a quick glance over her shoulder to assure herself her brother was still where she had left him. A small sigh slipped from her nose before she stepped out from the shadows, her dim grey form shining in the dappled light as she stepped forward. "Is this place well known here? Should I expect more visitors, or is this just a fluke." Her voice carried over the distance, strong and proud as narrowed eyes stared at the girl. It was only when Ellasyn determined there would be no threat to her and her brother would she lower her defenses and becoming welcoming to the stranger. But for now, anything strange and new held potential threats, and she wouldn't allow her brother to come to harm.

"Burn Baby Burn"