
seeking acceptance in the burning flames.



05-20-2013, 10:17 AM

The howl of another calling to one of his own aroused him from his slumber. Yet again it seemed one would seek the audience of either him or Desdemona. A yawn slipped from him and the man stretched enjoying his last moments of sleep before rising himself on long slender legs. He was almost skeletal like, and yet still healthy at the age of seven. He was old, but he still kept himself in the best of shape he could muster. His metabolism at least still seemed to agree with him for it seemed he couldn't put on any weight.

With one last shake he took off at a trot picking his way down the rocky slope from his den and back to the borders of Tortuga. Through the valley that they called home and around the trees that grew on so precariously on the slopes, clinging to whatever purchase it could find. Finally he came to the border and was graced by the presence of another. A feminine creature that seemed to wait so patiently for one of them to greet her.

Head turned slightly as he observed her as he did all others who came into his view. Two-toned blue eyes remained glacial and his face passive as he studied her warrior build, the way she carried herself, and soon the way she spoke. He wouldn't miss a thing about her. His evaluation was swift, all that was left was to hear her voice.

"Welcome to the borders of Tortuga love. What is it you seek?"

He would not state his name yet. Such pleasantries could wait until she either stated her name first, or requested it from him. Words were powerful and names were not to be taken lightly.

[ooc: It's fine. Request one in someone's shop and it'll be done. I myself make them :P But I have a growing list it seems xD]
