
Are we alive?


10-26-2014, 06:23 PM

The little ball of energy was confused. She wasn't exactly sure how she ended up here, and she wasn't really sure that she liked it. This land was strange and foreign. She wasn't sure what it was called, and when her paws brought her to a strange plain- that smelt of blood, she was even more confused. A call echoed about her- calling for a spar it seemed. Excitement flooded through her- and she trotted towards the sound- her tail waving like a banner behind her as she approached the strange wolf. "Hello!" She called excitedly as she came into view of the strange wolf. "I'm Remy!" She barked, a smile on her jaws.

She came to a halt, her body quivering with excitement- as the yearling looked at her potential opponent. Could a spar be the best start to this new land? "Looking for a spar?" She asked excitedly, practically bouncing in place. Of course a spar was serious, but this was the first wolf she'd encountered- of course she was excited. Her rump wiggled behind her, and she blinked several times- trying to remember all that Breen had taught her. Defenses, attacks, and counter attacks. She had to remember it all if she were going to fight an older and more experienced wolf.
