
Dreamers Lullaby



7 Years
10-26-2014, 07:15 PM

Her question was answered, not by Alsander, but by Falk as he slipped in. She smiled, returning the affection he gave her as he settled down, giving their children a loving nuzzle. Alsander added onto the details of the hunt, and she nodded. ?A good kill. If not us, then some other predator would have taken him eventually. All it takes is one mistake?? And a mistake that highly benefited her group. Alsander made his exit, just as another entered. Surreal thought she recognized the step, and as Alsander paused, she caught the smell, and nodded her assent.

Sibelle, being part of the family, was welcome to view her new nephew and nieces any time she wished; Surreal hoped that Sibelles and her children would be able to play together sometimes, and form a familial bond. But the wolf who entered was Castiel. No matter, she wanted to see her big brother in any case. ?Castiel, brother. I am well. I am beyond well. I am euphoric.? She grinned at him, noting his tense form. ?You can relax, brother. The female out there is Sibelle, Falks sister, and now ours through matrimony. Come see your new family.? She lifted her head to peer past his white form. The den she had chosen was now large enough to admit three other wolves. Her mother had widened the walls after the others had left for the hunt before retiring to her own den. ?Sibelle, you?re welcome to see them, if you want.?

She waited until Castiel and Sibelle were both present, and leaned back a bit to better reveal her brood once more. ?Falk, love, Alsander named our third-born. Faite. I think she needs a middle name.? Her eyes lifted to meet Sibelles single verdant green. ?Would you like to give her one?? It was an offer not made lightly. Then her eyes turned to Castiel. ?And I would love for you to name your Nephew. I think it?s fitting. He?s the firstborn, like you were.? She smiled up at her brother, mismatched blue and gold eyes twinkling. While she was still a little tired, she felt much stronger than she had directly after the birthing, what with her nap, and the knowledge that food would be coming soon. Speaking of? Her eyes turned to Falk. ?Could you bring a strip of meat from that haunch you brought?? Food sounded amazing right now.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.