
Are we alive?

Motif I


4 Years
10-26-2014, 07:43 PM

A petite and lightly toned wolf would be the answer to her call. She would smile at the wolf as she bounded over and introduced herself, she looked like the sort of wolf who would fight fair and offer her the friendly match she had come here in search of. She hadn't fought for a while, and she knew she would need to get back into the practice of sparring. ?Hey Remy, I'm Motif? the Alpha girl said back, her tail swinging slow and rhythmic behind her as she looked this Remy up and down. She was a young wolf, 5 inches shorter then Motif and a smaller build, they could both take it easy here and get back into the rhythm of things, or so Motif hoped.

?That's right, just a friendly practice match if your up for it?? Motif replied easily, holding back her laughter at the excited ball of fluff before it. It almost felt like a crime to fall into a fighting pose before this harmless looking girl, but it was just a game today after all. She allowed herself to fall into place, spreading her legs to balance herself and evening the weight between her four paws. Her claws dug into the earth for traction, her ears folded to her skull as her head lowered to align with her spine and her tail followed suit, aligning behind her, billowing out at her back. Her eyes narrowed, her shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunched and her hackles raised.
Her attention never left the happy stranger as she spoke ?Would you like the first move??

Motif Vs Remy for spar

round 0 of 3?

Defences: Legs spread equally, legs well balanced, claws dug into earth, ears folded, head aligned with spine, tail aligned with spine, eyes narrowed, neck scrunched, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward,

Attacks: none yet

Injuries: none yet
