
Saying Goodbye



4 Years
10-26-2014, 09:02 PM

Her eyes would wander towards Ixionn for a moment, but she kept silent and let the boys speak it out. Indeed Allen gave a full explanation, she now nearly his entire life story. There was still much about herself that was a mystery. She could perhaps use this time now to explain something about herself as well. Allen may have been leaving, but to her, he was family just as anyone else was within the walker name to her. She leaned to a side, it wasn't like she would force him to stay here. She was making this her home as much as she was still trying to reserve a place for Ixionn should he still want it along the road.
"In order to keep our lives going Ixionn, it's important to weigh decisions on your well being. Even if Allen isn't here, he is still a part of you and still a part of your family." Arian stated. "He just told you his story, that should be enough to console." she stepped forward and pressed her snout against Allen. She was far beyond her years, she doubted many knew her age. After all she had barely turned two within the last season. As Ixionn had turned a year this one.
"My father was the son of one of your siblings Allen, my grandmothers name was Niana. During the time she was forced to be courted by her brother, she gave birth to two males Natsu and Dragneel. Natsu was my father, and he was a warrior of Valhalla until he discovered my mother. They fell in love with each other and when she became pregnant with me and my siblings she became crippled. Unable to feed herself, my father fed her himself. After we were born as soon as I could make sense of the world they told me the stories of our heritage of themselves and my fathers parents. But, a man from glaciem came black as night and slaughtered him right in front of me when I was only two months of age. With no one to feed my mother, I watched as all my brother and sister died in front of my very eyes." she shut her eyes for a moment giving a shivering breath. "With the last ounce of my mothers strength she carried me to the Seracia borders where Epiphron the queen came to her aid. She and my father were friends and she took me into their family. Maverick and Epiphron were my parents my last name Adravendi. That was when I met Hajime, and discovered about my family. I even mourned the death of his mother. I also came across Vahva who was the daughter of Night another one of your half siblings Allen. She died during the plague but left behind three children, Emma, Colman, and one girl Colman told me about but I cannot recall her name." she smirked a bit. "I understood things far beyond my years, I studied healing, but then when I was a year old my parents stepped down from the throne. And decided to leave Seracia. It was in a friends paws until it went into another which is a woman I still consider a second mother. I left seracia after training in Olympus with my uncle Syrinx." maybe it wasn't such a good idea to be spouting out her life story to them. But who else would tell her story otherwise.
"I was going to become heir to Seracia at the age of one....but it was challenged for and I lost my home and my family. My adopted siblings and parents were no where to be found. So I was alone for a very long time only brief visits to Hajime. I found my uncle Syrinx, and I placed my faith in him. Trusted him to make me feel whole again and to find a new home. But, he cared none about me I realized. He and the woman named Virgil of Olympus had pups and I was going to care for them, but Isardis struck my uncle down and I saw my mother fighting with one of my adopted cousins. So again I was without a home and went to Azalea of Ethereal becoming a healer. Sadly that did not last either, I joined Ethereal last season when I just turned to the age of two. Azalea vanished without a trace and I was maimed by Neo of Arcanum. Broken and bruised, Quelt came to me and offered the crown of Isokan. I honestly in that moment only thought of giving myself a home. Giving myself some sort of sense of security." she lowered her eyes a little.
"I've made mistakes in my life, and I've been hurt to my very core, as what it comes with being a walker by blood I guess. So I understand you completely Allen. I may be young but in my short amount of time on this earth I have learned much of what the gods have wanted me to." she smiled painfully at him. "So I accept your goodbye even if we do not know each other very well. I told you my life story as you have told me yours. I hope a friendship will never leave us. And make sure to be safe, don't be afraid to visit." she looked to see what the others wanted to say.

"Talk" "You" Think
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Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.