
Oh Hi, Haven't We Met Before?


10-26-2014, 09:37 PM

Ooc:: Please let Nona post first, with another from Allen, and then Bass / Abaven members are more than welcome to pop in. Thank you~

Things didn't sit well with his leaving, but it had been necessary. The calico let a heavy sigh leave him, ears lowered down against his skull. He carried in his heart not just his story, but the story of Arian and others as well. There was a lot of regret, mingling with relief, and questions. Originally the plan was for him to stay in Isokan, for Nona to request to leave Abaven to join him... but no longer did Allen feel that was the better plan. Instead the man planned to reverse the roles, returning to Abaven if Bass would have him.

Allen's paws seemed to be too heavy upon the ground as he walked on. An image of Ixionn burned in his mind. Aiko too... The girl hadn't shown up. Her scent was scarce in Isokan? Was she dead? The thought had his stomach twisting in knots. The darker his thoughts became the faster it seemed the calico man would hurry to Abaven. Hurry to where the only one who could drive those dark thoughts away was hopefully still waiting. He prayed she had not spoken to anyone of leaving yet. This would be the first she heard of this plan as well. Allen hoped she wouldn't mind the change too much... that she would understand. ...Of course she will, some little part of his subconscious would say.

Coming to the border Allen would give a soft sigh, tilting his head back as he let out the call for Nona. Some other members of Abaven could possibly get curious by it. A stranger calling on the borders... or not, depending on who heard. The man would recline to the ground, waiting. He was a little nervous... but more than anything he just wanted to see Nona again.
