
Lets make a scene we wont soon forget

Motif I


4 Years
10-26-2014, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 11:14 PM by Motif I.)

Ever since Chord had told her of the new lands, of the cave hidden behind the waterfall, the strange bridge that appeared and connected these two lands together, she had been consumed with a desire to see it by her own eyes. It was a week since Chord had told her the tale, but she left now with Bass's blessing and the promise to return a few days hence. She blossomed with the freedom, an almost childish lighten in her golden eyes as she stepped free of Abaven lands and the responsibilities of leadership for the time being. She went in the direction Chord had spoken of until she found herself at the remarkable bride. She stood at its edge for a moment, sweeping her tail against its surface, before looking out across its length and the new lands. She was here, in this place that so few wolves had explored, here in this place that touched right into the core of her adventurous nature. She threw back her head and let loose a howl, a call that spoke everything of her lyrical name, its song began soft and delicate and ended on a note of strength, the fire of the temptress beneath. Laughing now, she lowered her head, threw herself forward and ran across the bridge. Her paws left a dance of sea spray behind her and her lithe body danced against the earth until her paws touched earth against the other side. She did not stop here however, she kept on, chasing the falling sun as the day wound to its end. There was the promise of moonlight already against the sky, and bright stars peering through the rays of sunlight, promising her that... tonight would be magical.

She ran until she touched a place that the star and moonlight could barely reach. Beneath the thick canopy of grape vines stood an earth dark and unknown to her. The fearless woman took one look at the arching roof that loomed above, and plunged into its depths. She was hit first with the silence of the world below. She could hear her breath, the rhythmic beat of her paws, even the swish of her tail that danced in light excitement behind her. She threw back her head and arched her back, owning the darkness and the silence and she defied it with her head held high.
