
Dance of Predators {PACK HUNT MANDATORY}


10-26-2014, 10:13 PM

ooc; mandatory hunt for mruni and bjuni ranked wolves; however, all are encouraged to join! first round due by Nov. 9th - two weeks from the day this is posted.

Since the storm, prey had been scarce. All died or fleed the lands of Abaven. The pack had been surviving from mostly fish; however, as the months passed, more animals had begun to make their way back into the territory. It was time to dine on something more desirable. The day was young, dawn just now coming to its end and the the sun lighting the visible world with all of its radiance. The grass was still moist from morning dew, tiny droplets of liquid that boasted rainbows of colors. Birds had started singing again, beautiful love songs that cooed so softly. Snakes had made their winter beds and no longer slithered about. But, she would join nature's song, now - lifting her maw to the heavens and releasing a howl to her hunters. Soon they would join her on a hunt.

As she waited, she could not help but think of Quelt and the pups that now grew inside of her. She wondered what would come of this. Never had she really considered herself a mother, and honestly, she had no idea how to be one. Ah, the gods had their own way of evolving each soul, molding them into who they are suppose to become. A soft sigh escaped her maw, the rest of the pack had yet to find out. Maybe she would announce it at this meeting before the hunt?

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