
Keep me grounded



7 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 12:08 AM

Of course, she was a stranger. Yet somehow, not entirely it would change over-time. Knowing who he was, he listened and tensed a little at the mention of living for the happiness of others. It was obvious it was a subject that stung the wounds that already preexisted on him. He had done that his entire life, believed himself that it would be fine as long as anyone else was alright. Now, he was stuck in the warp, and trying to find a way to crawl out of it.
"She was young, when I met her. Only a yearling, sick from the disease that plagued this land and caught onto my sister. I nursed the two of them back to health, and found Irune again only to take her under my wing. Far too young, she started to just....disappear. One day she would be around, making me feel like the highest thing alive. The next, she was missing, sick, or just distant. Whenever I got her back, she would leave again whether it was her fault or mine, it simply just destroyed the feelings I had for her." he explained giving a sigh. "I was a fool for thinking a small fling with a youngster would last as a committed relationship." he snorted mildly.
"I've spent my whole life pleasing others, thinking it would make me happy. But its something that has made me feel empty inside, even if I was surrounded by wolves I felt utterly alone." he settled his head down and looked at her. "I guess I am a damaged child created by a life of being sheltered under dukes and duchesses." he smirked a bit at her. "What about you, family, friends? Abaven is a nice place to meet and make those." maybe he was over his head? But questions were the best way of getting to know someone.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]