
Lets make a scene we wont soon forget



8 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 12:09 AM by Shai.)

He could practically feel her shiver as the movement of her skin disturbed the air around them. Shai would become completely unnerved at her presence, his knees would become weak as he felt warm and nervous in his skin. As her graceful form was lifted but a step further he?d almost take a step back. He would hold fast, he had a home to defend. Skah had been mauled by one of these intruding northerners, how did he knew she would not do the same? From his chest the thought of a growl would bubble deeply, his gaze sharpening as soft words would drip from her sinful lips. She?d tilt her head curiously, obviously in need of knowledge. He?d asked her to leave, but he realized she couldn?t understand his words.
He?d realize she?d say her name, the delicate word slipping from her tongue with ease as she motioned to herself. The gentle curves of her body would be flaunted before him again, and the need to see her off would diminish. Instead he?d be filled with a feeling of want, not that he would even realize the emotion. She?d nod towards him curiously, seeking out his own calling. "Shai," He?d return her whisper as they disturbed the silence that had hung around them. With the giving of his name he would sigh deeply, his rigid form softening slightly as she convinced him to get to know her. Still, he?d hold her in suspicion, knowing full well the unpredictability of the northern wolves. "Motif," He would say in a breath, uncertainty in his voice. What did she want here?

"yoruban" "english"

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