
Lets dance, baby


10-27-2014, 01:44 AM

[Image: mipief.png]

She was freaky looking, something about the markings on his face made him feel unsettled and severely creeped out. He tried to focus on that, focus on the disturbed feeling that was slowly growing in the pit of his stomach as she sat there a short distance away from him. She was smiling and he would lift a lip in a snarl as he continued to take a few steps back. Emotions raged and swirled within him, he didn't know what to do. His mind was whirling and he tried to keep himself sturdy and on his paws. Despite his outwardly solid demeanour he felt woozy, nauseous. He had only been attacked yesterday and he wasn't feeling very sturdy on his paws, blood loss and drugs made his mind feel slippery and elusive even to himself. He would sway a bit and paws would splay to try and steady himself. There was so much to take in all at once. Her smell? Shai? He blinked, blue eyes confused as he tried to process all this new information. She would speak, her words garbled and not understandable. He didn't know any of what she was saying, simply caught the word 'leave' and a question. He would shake his head, trying to clear his mind as he took a few more steps back and backed solidly into a tree. His neck felt hot. Was he bleeding again. Icy gaze would snap open again and he would growl, mostly at his own thoughts as he tried to chase them away. Why did she smell of Shai. "O nilo lati lọ kuro, yi jẹ mimọ ilẹ... O nilo lati lọ kuro..." He would mumble, trying to sort though his own skull. Eyes would clench shut. She had to leave, how did he tell her she had to leave any better then he could already? This was his home, she wasn't welcome here! She was dangerous. She could hurt Ojise. He had to make her leave? A tail of blood would slip down from beneath his cloth and the leaf pinned to his neck by that. Damn.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3