
Lets dance, baby

Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 03:09 AM

The steps of the boy where so dejected, or tired, or whatever it was that harried him. She once again found herself wondering if perhaps it would be better if she left, yet once again her pride reared its ugly head and told it would be giving up. She could prove to this set male that she wasn't here to do him harm, she would prove it to him if it damn well killed her! She would follow after him, walking down strange and unfamiliar lands. She fleetingly wondered if she might get lost here, in these bizarre and unknown places, but she flicked the thought away, surely she could find her way back home again. She caught him looking back at her, but she felt certain his gaze was only to ensure she followed him. Why was it so important that they went this way? It was clear that walking did him no good, was he hiding something, protecting something? Perhaps, but she would not provoke him and find out.

She wasn't certain what happened next, but the boy halted, looking at the river, he would carefully shrug off the strange red scarf that adorned him and she would watch the motion of it sliding to the earth. She watched it until it touched the ground before snapping her gaze back to him once more. Again he indicated her to follow, but she did not move as she watched him slip slowly into the water before them. She watched the motion of the cool liquid slip over his firm muscles and her mouth went dry. She battled a moment until her crazy desires where locked away before obeying his command once more. She followed him into the water, her tail sliding against the water behind her as dainty paws took her step by step further into the embrace of the lake. She moved towards him, she watched him as he dipped his head into the water, the movement arching the muscles on his neck, but she was too distracted to notice this, instead she saw the wound on his neck, and hissed softly in sympathy to see the torn flesh that showed her he had been in battle. His head came back again, his teeth bared as through he had been attempting to grab something. It took her a moment, but she got it ? it was a game, grab the algae. She moved closer to where he fished for the boobing bits, her side brushing every so slightly against his, but when she felt his closeness, aside from the heat flushing her cheeks her reaction would be to scoot away. So far all the boy had wanted was space, she would not take that from him now. She dipped her own head in the water, chasing after the algae. It had looked easy when watching him, she couldn't understand how he had missed, but she realised quickly the motion of her pushing through the water pushed against the algae, it bobbed and teased before her, ever out of reach of her teeth. Her head came up again and she bared her fangs at what had dared defy her as she snaked her head forward quickly in another attempt to grab the allusive algae.
