
going on a bear hunt


10-27-2014, 06:44 AM

A yelp of greeting drew the silver giant's attention, and his weak lavender gaze swung to catch movement, the blurred form of his sister racing toward him and Bjorn dropped all dignity to fling himself at her in return and, silent for the moment, bath her face in kisses. What? He'd really, really missed her. They had never been apart so long in their whole two years of life, so being parted from his darker, more cautious sibling was like losing a limb.

Dignity finally asserted itself and Bjorn sat back, serious once again though his milky purple eyes shone in relief. "Birna, it is good to see you once more." The news that she had found nothing, while disappointing, wasn't all that unexpected. They had not been searching long, after all, and the Xanilovs had left long ago. "I did not find anything either. Perhaps there simply is not anything to find. Do not be sorry - if there are any left we will find them. It will simply take time." And when they did find the Xanilovs, Bjorn would initiate the most difficult con he'd ever worked, convince them that he and Birna were Xanilovs rather than bastard Volkovs, and secure a more comfortable future for his family than simply bastards surviving on the outskirts. No one here but Birna knew who he really was, and no one but he knew Birna - he'd even been making himself think of himself as Bjorn Xanilov so that it came more naturally.

He pressed his muzzle comfortingly against Birna's shoulder, all the while plotting and planning ticking along behind those murky eyes. They would find the Xanilovs, he was certain of it. They would find them and wiggle their way in, and Birna would have the life she deserved. He really should have found her some flowers.
