
Oh Hi, Haven't We Met Before?


10-27-2014, 01:35 PM

A howl was given in response to his own -- one he knew perfectly well. Head would lift, dark eyes searching for the brown form of the woman he loved. His heart stirred with longing, with desire, for the one he loved. Nona... gods there was so much to tell her about. Guilt ate at him for sending on her on ahead, but then again it was for the best. Thing would be better this way, he felt. A soft sigh would pass the lips of the brute. So much happened in this world, and he prayed that this was the right path that they were taking. If he was with Nona then it would be best, he was sure, but... still Allen could not help but worry. So much had already gone wrong in his life. So many bad mistakes... Nona isn't a mistake. His mind would cut in, almost aggressively. Nona wasn't a mistake. His heart knew it. His mind knew it. Somehow... with her... things would always sort themselves out.

She would come, bounding towards him and gently pressing her muzzle to his. It felt as if he could breathe easier just with her presence being so close to his own. He'd feel her weight leaning into his own, their muzzles gently touching before the question was asked. The calico male would shake his head, turning so that his dark green orbs were looking into her own.

"Nona... I am sorry. Isokan has... it has changed. There is a new leader there, a family member of my own. As much as I loved them... it no longer felt right for me to stay there. I have being doing a lot of thinking... so much thinking once we were parted. We won't be going back to Isokan... however..." The calico male would give her a gentle smile. "I wanted to request to Bass I be allowed to return to Abaven. The only choice I really know that is right is being with you." The man would lift his head, smiling gently at her.

"Mata watashi wa watashi no ai o nogashita." {"Missed I my love also."} His own Japanese was flawed, though he could peace together an at least somewhat correct sentence. Amazing how one could forget such things, buried in the past, when they were once such a big part of their life. But so many thing had been lost along the way... But the man vowed that Nona would be that one wolf, that one thing he would cling to for dear life and never let go of.
"Speech", 'Thought'