
Are we alive?


10-27-2014, 03:28 PM

The dark female introduced herself as Motif and Remy briefly wondered where the name came from. She noted the odd markings on the lady's face, but she didn't ask anything about it- Breen had taught her such questions weren't polite. 'That's right, just a friendly match if you're up for it?' Motif said, and Remy nodded enthusiastically. "I'd much like to practice." She wondered if she'd gotten any better since she'd last sparred with Breen. She wished he was here- to see her and to give her pointers. As Motif set her defenses, Remy thought back to all the points Breen had on countless occasions drilled into her mind.

Paws spread for balance, he'd say, it makes it harder to for your enemies to ball you over. Her own tan legs straightened out, slightly bent- as she'd been reminded to give her utmost balance. Her ears pinned back against her head, her gums curling up to expose her teeth, and her eyes narrowing. Her shoulders rolled forward slightly, to push her thick fur into rolls upon her neck- so she'd be less likely to take a severe wound there. Even if this was a friendly match- she supposed she couldn't been to careful?

Her waving tail stilled, leveling with her spine so it could act almost like a rudder, and it would help her balance. She lowered her head, tucking her chin slightly, as she would leap forward- towards the other woman. Remy would attempt to close the distance between them in a few strides- aligning her body to aim for the right side of Motif. As she attempted to move forward,she would take great care to try to line up her own shoulder with the other lady's, assuming Motif didn't move of course! As Remy attempted to draw close to Motif- she'd attempt to rear up on her hind legs, to accommodate for her shorter height, and her jaws would part- in an attempt to grasp the scruff of the other wolf. Internally she reveled in the brilliance of her move, Breen would be so proud!!

Remy vs Motif

Round 1 of 3

Defenses: Legs spread, eyes narrowed, ears pinned against her head, shoulders rolled forward, tail level, head level, chin tucked.

Attacks: Remy is attempting to close the distance between them, while aiming at the right side of Motif. As she nears her, she's attempting to rear up and grab Motif's scruff.

Injuries: None yet.

Notes: So I'm trying to stay true to how Remy would attack - based on her ego and lack of knowledge XD. Try not to laugh to hard at her ;D She's having fun though! If this confuses you- please PM me or skype me. This feels extreme chaotic but I also picture Remy bouncing around like a jack rabbit because someone is talking to her. She has issues.
