
Dark Horizons [event thread]

Eirik I


3 Years
10-27-2014, 05:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For just a second the small, green-eyed girl looked amused, but Eirik could not quite wrap his mind far enough around what was happening to understand the humor. Saga was here. Miraculously and entirely unexpectedly. But why? Of all places for her to end up, of all places for their next meeting to take place, Eirik had never once considered it might be on his home turf right during the middle of a pack meeting. Baffled, in the second or so that it took for the petite wolf to remember where she was and answer the Secretuan Guard, he simply could not put the pieces together fast enough.

Though in tandem with the trespasser he was confronting, the pale grey and black youth remembered his own place as well and felt suddenly uncomfortable. He was a Guard of Secretua, charged with keeping its borders safe and dealing with any trespassers harshly in order to maintain order within the pack. Because of his rank, he would be expected to chase Saga out and make sure she thought twice about stepping beyond the pack's border again, but...

He understood where she was coming from. The storm was growing more and more dangerous by the minute, and even he had seen the sense in racing for the protection of the Gulley with his sister in order to get out of it. It was obvious that even she had been caught in some of it, her fur as disheveled and soaked as his own if not more so. And though it was expected of him, he could not bring himself to send her right back out into it. They might have only had a fleeting acquaintanceship, hardly anything even solid enough to consider a friendship, but even so in this situation he felt responsible for her. And sending her on her way out into that storm was not the responsible thing to do.

Quietly he breathed out something akin to a sigh below his breath, casting a hasty glance over his shoulder. There was no sign of his father tracking his scent behind him, of which the boy was incredibly grateful, but it still meant the decision of what to do was entirely his own. On a whim, making a snap decision and sticking to it, he turned his head back around to regard the soaked Saga with a nervous but resolute stare. "The storm's getting pretty bad out there. I might be able to talk my dad into letting you stay," Eirik offered, adding quickly so as not to seem too overbearing, "if you want to."