
Well What Do We Have Here

Aria I


05-20-2013, 02:59 PM

Aria held her head high as Haku gave a nod, forest green orbs following him pad off towards some deep grass. With a raised brow the sandy-brown and white shewolf twisted her body around, allowing her a better view of the male as he hunted, showing her how he did it. She watched him carefully, her gaze looking over his body, crouching low to the ground when it seemed like he caught the scent of something. Within moments he swiped at something, closing his jaws around the neck of a shrew before bringing it over and dropping it at her paws.

The shewolf did not say anything right away, she let a silence fall between the two as she took her time to think about his tactic. He managed to catch the animal quickly and end its life without making a scene, it would come in handy. But after sitting there quiet for a few moments the shewolf's lips pulled back, revealing her fangs before releasing a light laugh, shaking her head.

I was just playing with you Haku! She chuckled, lifting a paw off the ground and giving him a playful shove. Our Sol does not require you to fully display your strengths and weaknesses, it is nice but we trust what you tell us. Her gaze drifted down to the shrew for a moment before being refocused back on his own. Could you tell me, what it is your best at? Are you a better fighter than a hunter? Have a thing for herbs?


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