
tear out all your tenderness


10-27-2014, 11:20 PM

[Image: mipief.png]

The sound of footsteps would approach and slowly his forepaws would gather beneath him as he tried to assess who was coming and if he should be worried. A familiar form would fill his vision and slowly he would relax. Gwena. Despite his worry and torment he would smile slightly at the sight of her. Seemed that the looniness and bloodless had helped him ease up a bit. Hips would flip a bit, relaxing into his position rather then staying on guard as he usually did around her. But then she would draw closer. Her eyes were red. Immediately concern would wash though him, all kinda of wild ideas racing though his skull. Had she found Shai? Was he dead? She would remain quiet as she approached, her step faltering a bit as she moved to inspect his wound. She would speak, her words soft yet strangled. A frown would knit his brow together. He inhaled. She smelt of Shai faintly. A northerner? Immediately his hackles would raise, instructing her for wounds. had she been attacked? Was that why she was walking funny? He barely noticed her words, only taking a brief notice to it before pushing himself into a seated position to put a bit of distance between them. Icy gaze would lock onto her's hold it intently. "Are you alright? Why do you smell of Shai and a northerner? Is he alright?" He would ask, gaze intense as he once again allowed his gaze to roam over her body for signs of trauma. Nothing. No blood, no wounds. She was fine. But what of those scents? He had never been with a woman, spent his time with Ojise and did not know the scent of sex, did not know that that was the scent that accompanied those two scents. But the northerners scent. It was familiar. His heart clenched in his chest. Were was Shai.

" This is my speaking color woop. speaking"

Table by Tempy. Art by Tatchit. <3