
Oops, there goes gravity



9 Years
Athena I
10-27-2014, 11:23 PM

With seductive words and delicate touches now capturing his attention once more, he sat dreams of kingdoms aside so he could focus on the beautiful woman in his arms. "I will do just that, my star. Just you, me, and the heavens above to watch over us." His words were quiet and smooth as silk as he spoke, his words ending just as he dipped his head to place gentle nips up her throat, tugging delicately at the fur there. He wanted to devour her like the most delicious meal he had ever set his sights on and that's exactly what he would do. As he moved into his position in this intimate dance he was quickly becoming more and more familiar with, he would focus all of his attention on her alone. Not a moment went by as they danced that he didn't worship this goddess he had been given the chance to lie with. Tender kisses, adoring words, passionate emotions that if anyone didn't know better might have mistaken as love.

-fade to black and back in-

Is night wouldn't be one that he should soon forget. He laid in a delicate tangle of limbs with his momentary lover, gazing at her adoringly with the smallest of smiles on his muzzle. He could already feel himself beginning to drift to sleep, but he wanted to know one last thing before he fell into his dreams. "Venus, will you be here when I wake up?" he asked softly, his gaze looking for nothing more than honesty. He could feel their night together quickly coming to an end and as much as he would like to keep her to himself forever that was an impossibility it seemed. As silly as it seemed, he wanted to know if he would get to have his goodbyes in the morning or if he should take their last waking moments to do it.

"Talk" "You" Think