
In order for this to work



10-28-2014, 12:12 AM
Ermine paws traversed across the landscape of the new terrain. A land filled with unfamiliar countenances and places she'd not seen before in all her life. Yet it was the tales of her elder brothers lady friends' brother having left his birth pack that had given her the courage she needed to seek an adventure on her own. But the distance she had traveled had harried her. She knew she'd lost some weight and might look on the tired side. But the life of a rogue she thought would do that to one. And thus she found herself coming to a halt and listening to the howl.

She gave it not a moments more thought as she sprung into action, running toward the wolf who had given off the howl. If it were a recruitment, she needed a place to go and something to do for others and not just herself. Perhaps she was being too hasty for she did not know the one who beckoned. That however meant little to the yearling, though the next season she would be two years of age. Back home she'd trained a bit towards hunting, but hunting on ones own did not oft result in any large or frequent success of taking down prey.

When she came upon the caller, she greeted her, "Hello, I, Massacre du Cheval heard your call." She only hoped she was not just by the name her parents had given to her before she'd ever even been able to hear or to see.