
tear out all your tenderness


10-28-2014, 12:22 AM
Skah Adeyemi
She would join him after a moment, ignoring his first words it seemed before moving close to try and see his wound in the sliver of moonlight that penetrated the canopy above them. Her tongue would rasp across the tender flesh and he would clench his teeth, trying not to make a sound in protest. It felt like his nerves were on fire every time she touched it. Maybe that was a bad thing? But in fear of sounding like a child he would remain silent and not ask her what the very specific pain might mean. She would speak after a moment, giving raw flesh a much needed break from her cleaning as her breath warmed the tender flesh. Tomorrow. "So basically don't go rolling in the dirt until then?" He was trying to cheer her up but in the end baritone tones just sounded grumpy more then anything else, like he was disappointed that she wasn't getting the herbs now. He heard it in his own voice and would immediately look up and turn his head to try and flash her a slightly apologetic look. He hadn't meant to sound like an ass. But if she noticed she wouldn't show it, instead sliding to the ground beside him. For the first time he did not shy away from the light brush of her pelt, instead hips would flip heavily to the other side so his back was too her but he pressed more heavily into her.

Hind legs sprawled languidly to the side as massive skull dropped to his forepaws beside her own. She would speak of the northerners and he would sigh, eyes closing for a moment. "I don't know. The other one attack for no reason this one? She caught me when I was sleeping, right over by the river bank. I panicked because she was too close to the dens. Ojise doesn't want violence? She noticed I had been bleeding and she looked sympathetic you know? Maybe she was trying to lure me away to kill me, I don't know. But when I told her to follow she followed me downstream to where you showed me the red seaweed is. I was going to get her to help me rebandage the wound but then I don't know." His brow would knit together and he would sigh. She had seemed to nice and he had run. He couldn't explain it, some gut feeling had dragged him away from the oddly marked woman and brought him back here. Probably for good reason. Shai was missing and Ojise had been unprotected for god knows how long. "Some part of me wants to know if they are all cruel. Another wants to take the tribe away to the ruins and hide them where the northerners can never find them." His words were a low rumble, icy gaze staring straight ahead even as he spoke.


if we're only ever looking back

we will drive ourselves insane