
How Much There Is To Learn



5 Years
10-28-2014, 12:24 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Apparently this woman liked to speak in riddles, or at least about things that Anais had no knowledge about. Dolo? Victim? The grey-gold girl's brow furrowed in confusion, and just slightly her head began to tilt to the side. "I don't know..." she began to say but stopped herself short. Maybe it did not matter so much. Maybe it was just a term for unkind males. According to her parents, she had been a victim after all, even if she had not realized it until they had pointed it out to her. She hated it, but it was a fact she had already come to terms with.

She felt a little reassured by the smile the wolf offered, as well as the kindly bump she made against her shoulder. Her words, though not entirely able to reverse any of her current issues, did seem to placate her worries about the future. In a way, she thought she might have been correct. Now that she knew what to look for, Anais would likely be able to recognize it again if it returned, either in the form of Pyrros or some new wolf who wished to single her out. To show her appreciation, Anais offered a slightly forced smile, not feeling quite her usual, chipper self yet enough to make it sincere.

Whatever evasion she had made so far seemed not to have worked as the woman again tried to pry, smiling as kindly as ever as she asked what had caused her new strict rules that her parents had set into play. Still not up for explaining the details, the golden-eyed girl merely answered, "Yeah," rather disappointingly to the question, adding only, "They're afraid I won't be able to see danger in other wolves now, all because I messed up once." But perhaps the most frightening part for her was that she too shared their fear; even she was worried she could not trust her own judgment anymore.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.