
I Like It Better With You


10-28-2014, 12:25 AM

What Nalyda felt was only partially true. It wasn't so much that Naoise wished for a brother to hang out with, he just wished his father didn't spoil his sisters so much. He felt cast aside even if he dared to go with them. His own fault, but the more it went on the more the black hole of hurt and hate was driven into his soul. He was jealous. So jealous that his sisters got to spend as much time with their father as they wanted and he never got to have any alone time with him. But he got to have some time alone with his mother... and it made him love her more. She cared about him the most, he was sure of it.

For now, right now, he could let himself be happy. A wide smile would spread across his face as he ran. The wind blowing through his fur, excitement running in his veins. He was a happy child in moments like these. A yip would leave him as his mother got close, looking back over his shoulder to grin at her. Of course, since he wasn't paying attention to where he was going the young boy would trip over his own paws, starting to fall forward. "Wa-aah!!"

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'