
All I Ever Wanna Be Is Somebody To You


10-28-2014, 12:35 AM

Oh great... Ears would tilt back, watching his sister as she reacted. Maybe he felt a little guilty by her words. Normally they would have been true, what he preferred to do was go play by himself. But... but this was different. She'd been left behind too... and he knew that it could hurt a lot. It was perhaps this key thing, this core piece of a puzzle, that would keep the young pup from caving into true darkness. He'd let out a frustrated huff, looking at her with his smoke-green eyes. Normally she didn't even talk that much either... maybe he'd thought wrong of her.

"Look. I wouldn't have come out of the den if I didn't want to play... and I didn't tell you to choose the game so I could play it by myself. We're playing the game together, got it?" His words were a bit bossy and rude, but communicating his real feelings wasn't exactly something Naoise was the best at. He'd frown. "So come on. Pick the game you wanna play already. It'll be no fun if the others come back before we even began."

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'