
A Lonesome Moon



10-28-2014, 01:14 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was an incredible relief to know that Valhalla, or what remained of it, still remembered her and still wanted her to come home. Outside of the pack she had been birthed into, Valhalla had been her life, where she grew into herself, where she had seen love and friendship and purpose blossom and fulfill every desire she had for life. Leaving it all had been painfully sad and heart-breaking in its difficulty, but soon she would have another chance to return. Soon they would all be together again, possibly under a new name and a new leader, but she had no doubt being among them all again would satisfy the need she had to be amongst her family once more.

Ashtoreth smiled at Alsander's assurances, immensely grateful. He went on with a quiet smile to tell her that those who remained with him were well, though it appeared that Erani was taking the loss of her pack harshly. The smile upon the petite grey wolf's face fell away at the news, though she could surely understand it. Leadership was a difficult role and most of the responsibility rested solely with those who wielded it. It was part of the reason she had been so reluctant to take on any highly ranked positions in the pack at first, one of the many reasons she had admired Leon from the start because of his easiness in carrying the extra responsibility. But with as close as they had all been, and as tough as the opponent who came to face their pack, she knew Erani's opinion of herself to be wrong.

"I hope she knows we don't hold her accountable," she answered worriedly to Alsander, her brow beginning to furrow over her gold and purple eyes. "She was always a good leader to us, we don't love her any less." Ashtoreth wished more than anything that she could say so to Erani herself, though she had a feeling it was all things that her immediate family, those who were still lingering around her, had already told her. The grey wolf sighed quietly. "Hopefully she gets over it soon. She shouldn't be so hard on herself." Maybe having the pack all together again, seeing how resilient they all were for herself, would prove to her that they all understood the difficulty she had gone up against and that they still cared for her no matter what outcome had resulted from it.

Ashtoreth fell silent a moment, thinking again on how wonderful it was going to be once they were all together again. She did not know Surreal quite so well to guess at what her leading style might be like, but if she was anything like her mother she was sure to be a kind and just ruler. Only slightly did she worry over location - Valhalla had remained there upon the Plains for as long as she could remember - but in the end she supposed it would not matter. Simply being among them would feel like home enough. "I miss it. The pack," she admitted quietly with a bittersweet smile, glad that she could smile at all considering the circumstances. She had been so down and depressed when she had first wandered out this way. Now she felt eager for the future and the eventual reunion that she saw waiting for her and her family down the road.