
In order for this to work



3 Years
10-28-2014, 06:18 AM
His paw was all healed up...thank the stars. It had been a little sore since he began to walk and run on it. But now it seemed completely repaired. Now he could begin training with Quelt...whenever that was. But what concerned him most, even more than any of his wounds, was the fact that his own father was leaving his own pack. The one he formed, the one he worked so hard for. It was surprising enough that he passed the crown on to he was leaving his family? What was going on? Little did Ixionn know that Quelt and Irune had parted way---so there was just this big space of puzzlement that he couldn't quite understand. Arian probably understood. Everyone else probably understood. Maybe he just wasn't at the age of getting everything, or realizing what was going around. Some crazy whirlwind, aye.
A smooth howl from his friend slithered into his ears. It was faint---far away. But it was welcoming. Ixionn guessed it was time to go help Arian recruit. Why else had she traveled so far, to such an open area? The boy yawned and turned to his sleeping companion. Lately, Ixionn had refused to let Drago go with him on any of the trips. Now looked like it'd be a good time. The masked boy lowered his head and nudged the blue iguana gently, rocking him awake. He sighed and looked up at him with a questionable look. Without an answer, Ixionn grabbed him, placed him onto his back, and took off toward the Battlefield where both his queen and another stranger waited.
Once he arrived, he halted in the embrace of arising dust that came directly from his paws. Then, he twirled around a bit and fell over like a newborn fawn. It was so nice to run again...limping around on three legs for weeks was too much of a bore. So much energy had built up inside of him, and he couldn't wait to waste it all by running through the mines over and over again. ---Drago clung to his back frantically and panted as if he was a dog, his body sinking into the tangled orange fur of the boy. He groaned and attempted to speak, but the heir-in-training instantly shushed him. Then, he stood up and trotted over to Arian's side, sitting beside her and grinning wildly to the stranger.
"Morning, miss Arian!" He said cheerfully, tail thumping happily against the earth as he turned his eyes to her. Then, he turned back to the stranger, before offering her a kind and happy greeting. "To you too, m'lady! Good morning, good morning! Who might you be...?" Of course he hadn't made it in time to hear her introduce herself to Arian. Probably because off Drago's complaining. Pshpsh. Ixionn leaned in and waited for her to speak, while his eyes danced across her form, especially her eyes. They were pretty.