
Baa because I said so (THREAR)



5 Years
10-28-2014, 09:22 AM

So she had been correct in her assumptions, the wolf before her now was the same that had held the Ebony Festival. The arrangement of Katja ruling was not one that Novella had been aware of as temporary though the politics of the other packs had not exactly been her strong point and something that she would have to begin paying more attention to. Especially now as Katja spoke of Olympus.

That was were Anthem's children resided, or as any outside of the Destruction family would view them, Virgil's children. Never had Novella really known what to make of Virgil, she had gone through a rather rough and traumatic experience though it was a deed committed without spite or aggression on Anthem's side, purely confusion. And that was something few in Olympus had been able to understand. Her attitude and requests had left the poor boy quite unlike himself for a while not to mention caused some strain within the Destruction family. Such events had never been brought up again though, put behind them and now Novella's one and only concern would be for her nieces and nephews. They had surely ended up on their feet somewhere though it had been nice knowing where to find them even if she wasn't allowed to speak with them.

There was little that could be done about it however, of course not thinking for a moment that Katja would have actually kept the children and more drama now brewing between the former wolves of Olympus and Yfir. Instead she would give a soft smile and a nod of her head, relating back to the previous mention of Ebony. "I thought I recognised you." She would comment. "The festival was a good idea, unfortunately I had to miss most of it though." That had been for the best perhaps, though knowing what little of the festival she did, she honestly did think it had been a good idea, bringing wolves together as she had. She would pause now, waiting to see what else Katja had to say. An update was of course rather good for both parties but was there more to this meeting than that? Honestly Novella couldn't be sure, aside from Sawtooth and Abaven this was her first official meeting with another alpha. Hopefully her inexperience didn't show too much.