
Sending my love on a wire


10-28-2014, 02:07 PM

She had been lurking in the shadows all the while, waiting to see how her king and the father of her unborn children handled the situation at paw. Quelt, as promised, would announce the pregnancy. Ah, he had yet to fail her and a part of her seemed to know that she could trust him even though she refused to admit it. And so, after the news had been broken, she would make herself known to the men before her. The two men in which made up her entire family. She had grown to love Bass, the first wolf in which could ever say that about. It was not quite romantic, no. . . More like a younger brother of sorts. And the friendship that had blossomed so quickly with Quelt was proving to be one worthy of keeping.

At first, she would take her kings side. Brushing against him warmly briefly, then making her way to Quelt's side. She would lean into him, a way to say that "we are in this together" without words. Perhaps, this little accidental family could bloom into something much more meaningful that what she had anticipated. It was not only a rebirth of who she was, but a rebirth for Abaven as a whole. Offering pups in which could be trained to become protectors of those that inhabited these lands, a new blood in which would only make this pack stronger.

Head would dip respectfully to her king and she would speak softly to the man. I know this is unexpected, but believe me, I am far more surprised than you are, my king. I suppose we have to trust in the gods that the hand we have been dealt will only benefit us, make us stronger. I know I am not capable of being the mother that pups would hope for, but I suppose together - with you, Quelt, and the others, I can learn. A soft laugh would paint her lips before continuing. Of course he will accept this rank. He's not getting out of this mess. She would nudge Quelt playfully with her shoulder. Ah, poor guy. She almost felt bad for him.

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