
Here they come!(Healer will be needed)


05-20-2013, 04:42 PM
A small contemplative look was portrayed on the brutes face. He was debating on whether or not Ookami would be hungry for something at this hour; or even if she would be able to keep it down. Her body hadn't taken the pregnancy lightly but they would pull through it right? With a shake of his head Thane decided he would find a mouse or something light and small.

As the male lowered his body to the ground in a crouch he took in a deep breath. He smelt the cool air of Autumn and nearing winter, ah yes, winter! But then again how would the cold affect the pups when they came? Nonsense! They have Russian blood! They're bound to have the coats of fur to withstand the winter as their father had done in the Russian Tundra. Come now, one worry at a time...

But with that smell of the cool air and fallen leaves did he smell blood not far too off. With that white lined ears perked up as he heard Ookami give off a slight howl. It wasn't directed towards him or anyone really...was she in pain?!? aqua blue eyes widened as he realized what it must be; and with the scent of blood this would not go so well.

"The puppies!" he yelled, kicking himself for letting Cyril fly off for the day on his daily feed.

Dark gray paws drummed against the cool Earth and the fallen leaves, that resulted in brief crunches at each paw-step. Thane ran and ran and ran. Tons of thoughts ran through his mind, No, don't think! Just do! Oh how now his lessons failed him so! His own parents never taught him of what to do when he would be a parent himself! What was Thane to do?

As the scent of blood became more intense in his nose he reached the den. The brute was sure Ookami was in there but what would he find?

Aware of how protective mothers could be during or after birth he stayed back for a moment with caution.

"Ookami?" he said as he called her name

No response came that he had heard.

"Ookami are you alright in there?" he said with concern in his voice.

"I'm coming in Ookami." he stated before giving up with concern for her and the pups well-being.

The male cautiously stepped forward as he lowered his head to peek into the den. Both paws and half of his torso with his head is what he dared put in. The den reeked of blood but with the scent of newborns as well. Aqua blue eyes settled on three tiny black bundles of fur encircled by his beloved. His eyes widened as a smile formed on his maw. They were beautiful! All three of them! He was a father! Then did his eyes move up to their mother and his smile faded.

Ookami lay there not moving with her eyes closed. Was it the complications from her pregnancy....was she still breathing? Thane gently leaned forward and nudged her face with his nose. A small whimper escaped his maw for he knew he had to get help and not panic now. Turning towards the puppies who were suckling he gently spoke.

"Don't worry...daddy's here..." he said before lightly licking the top of each of their heads to make sure they were all cleaned off.

Thane took no time to dillydally; he gently took himself out of the den and rose his muzzle to the sky and bellowed out a howl for help. There's got to be a healer nearby to help Ookami. Who knew what was wrong with her in this state. another whimper escaped his maw as he turned around in a circle to scan the places he could see.

Growing a bit impatient Thane released another howl of distress to make sure someone heard him if they didn't the first time. Help had to come, and fast!