
skinny love


10-28-2014, 03:38 PM

"Home..." She breathed the single word steadily, tired eyes scanning the imaginary border line that separated the cruel, outside world...and Abaven. Her legs were weak, she was still a lot skinner than she should have been. But the illness that had clung to her was now gone. And she was strong enough to guide herself all the way back to Abaven. The white-headed woman slowly lifted her head, breathing in the familiar vegetation smell that casually wafted through the plains. The aromas of other Abaven members, too, found her nose, and it instantly formed a smile across her lips. Home...she was finally home. After all this time. Words just couldn't explain how happy she was.
The young girl slowly crossed the invisible border, head finally relaxing between her shoulders as the tall grass gently brushed against her ribs. Her ears lied back against her head and she weakly pushed through all the obstacles, until she arrived at the large lake at the center of the plains. Here, it was quiet, and the cool air was so relaxing. First, the weak dame slowly made her way over to the water, taking a few long sips before hobbling back over toward the nearest tree. She dropped to her stomach and sighed, resting her chin over her forearms and staring blankly at the shimmering water. The shade felt nice...
She shut her eyes for a moment. It was an attempt to drift away in this relaxing state...but Bass was probably stressed. And she missed him so much. It was almost painful to just sit and relax, when he was so close to her. She could simply call to him and he could come running. But didn't want that. And she wasn't planning on dragging herself all the way to their den, either. So summoning him was the only way to get near him at this point.
Wren whined softly to herself, legs slowly pushing herself up. She knew her voice wouldn't sound very pretty. It'd probably sound like she was choking on rocks midway. But the tone or the sound didn't really matter to her. Bass did. She wanted to see her husband again. The woman inhaled nervously, throwing her head back and letting out a rather quiet howl. One that didn't sound very powerful at all...more muffled. But with as close as she was to Bass---he would be able to hear her. That was if he was still in Abaven. If not, she'd have to wait. He'd have to wait. Because that was as powerful as her howl was going to get.
