
Why don't you smile?



10 Years
10-28-2014, 04:05 PM

Despite everything -- the confusion she felt regarding her feelings for Novel, and the terrifying reality that she would be helping to raise children with her -- she was happy. Her parents were more content here than she had ever seen them, and all the siblings she knew were here, safe and together. The smile that painted her features seemed unwilling to fade, even as the conversation shifted to more serious topics. Jendai spoke about her own future, saying she wanted to be a warrior but her size might hinder her. Fighting had never been something that she herself had been interested in, but she understood why it might be appealing to some.

"You don't have to let your size prevent you from doing anything," she suggested gently, considering her sister's words. "I mean, not all warriors have to be big and tough like Dad. You could always train and focus on improving your speed and that kind of thing. You might not be strong, but if you're fast enough to surprise whoever you're fighting?" she shrugged, not sure if she was on to something, but it didn't sound like complete nonsense. "I bet you could still beat me up," Ara would tease with a toothy smile. It was true; she was neither quick in reflexes nor particularly strong, and she had no doubt Jendai would beat her in a spar, though Ara would likely never be convinced to fight her sister.

"You should talk to Song, and find someone in the pack that has some fighting experience." It might be difficult to find true, skilled warriors in either Sawtooth or Threar -- and she knew her father was not up to the task of truly training anyone for battle -- but she figured Song might have some advice for her. "Or you could go to our sister pack and search for guidance. I've spoken to Novella before and she was very helpful. I'm sure she could help you, too."